Two Exhibitions26 October 2023 Participating: Lucky Madlo Sibiya and Cecil Skotnes The Umbatha Series | By Lucky Madlo Sibiya
Sibiya produced 15 colour woodcurs based on the play, Umbatha by Welcome Msomi. The play is based on Shakespeare's Macbeth, that was adapted to 19th century Zulu history, covering the sotry of King Shaka and Kind Dingane.
The White Monday Disaster Series | By Cecil Skotnes
Comprising 12 prints and 12 stanzas in ballad form, this work commemorates the heroic efforts of Wolraad Woltemade, who, on horseback, rescued some shipwrecked from the Jonge Thomas, when it sank in Table Bay in 1773 VENUE:OLIEWENHUIS ART MUSEUM Address: 16 Harry Smith Street, Dan Pienaar Tel: 051 447 9609
Email: oliewen@nasmus.co.za MORE EVENTS IN BLOEMFONTEIN