Janet Botes+27610248389
About the artist ▼ About the Artist Janet Botes is an artist, designer, and workshop facilitator with a passion for using art to inspire and uplift; support and protect healthy ecosystems; and using creativity to enhance people's lives. Her work ranges from detailed ink drawings to performative actions and explorations in urban, gallery, and outdoor spaces. Her process is often guided by spontaneous responses to the subject matter and materials, and in this sense, each artwork is a new experience and exploration. What unifies her work is an underlying intention of sharing a deep connection and respect for the sacredness and interconnectivity of life. She has been involved with several projects, galleries and residencies, both as artist and as team member, including the Tankwa Artscape Residency, Site_Specific Land Art Events, and StateoftheArt Gallery who hosted her two first solo exhibitions, "Wild & Still: expressions of the landscape" and "Organism". In 2023 she held her 3rd solo exhibition "The Stones Speak, the Moss Whispers" as part of the Wilderness Art Festival (Garden Route, South Africa). Janet offers workshops, land art outings and coaching to bring people together around common interests, connect them to their own inherent creativity and to nature's beauty and healing power.