About The Artist

Artist Statement
In our linear, vitrified and consumer way of thinking, many of our inner images may well have been deserted; like the lost child, our woundedness has been told to go away. In my art practise I explore, expand and negotiate the idea of self and identity through a range of materials, such as clay; images borrowed from consumer culture and processes such as excavating, re-assembling, making moulds and the ceramic processes. I am intriqued with consumerism and its ambiguous nature of ‘perfect surfaces’, it’s throw away fragility and persistent need to last. Fusion or dialogue happens between the imagination and the ordinary, that could show a new reflection of what lies beneath, and what has been transformed. Listening for deeper meanings allow revelation rather than concealment and lucidity more than obscurity and exploring the subconscious, forms, shapes, and patterns are often felt as releasing the effect of stuck and hidden memories, trauma and vulnerable inner parts. Listening and finding the unearthed unexpected aliveness and presence is a healing force in my art making.
Karin Lijnes
January 2024
KARIN LIJNES: Curriculum Vitae
Born Cape Town (CT), South Africa (SA)
- 2021. July – August. I’ve never been a calm blue sea. Grande Provence. Franschoek.
- 2019. Sept 26 -Oct 19. Auguries. Solo. Association for Visual arts. Cape Town
- 2016. April 5 – May 6. Make up / my mind. Solo show at Rust en Vrede.
- 2015. November 25 – Jan 2016. Make up. Solo show at Knysna Fine Arts.
- 2010. April. And Pooof! Solo show, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.
- 2000. May. not a uni verse. Solo Show, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.
- 1998. August. Reweaving Traditions. MFA Graduate Exhibition. Oak Square gallery, UNISA, Pretoria
- 2024. Sept 14 – sept 24. Corobric National Ceramics Biennale. (26 Melville Rd) Sandton, Illovo.
- 2024. Sept 6 – November 2. SculptX at The Melrose Gallery.
- 2024. June7-17. Art in the auditorium, Marine Hotel, Hermanus.
- 2023. August12. I am Worthy. The Viewing Room, Curated by Sammy Muller. Brooklyn, Pretoria.
- 2023. June10. Group show. Earth Wind and Fire. Hermanus.
- 2023. Jan. Group show. Local Works. Stellenbosch.
- 2022. September. Group Show. Local Works. Stellenbosch.
- 2022. Jun6. Group show. Fynarts. Hermanus.
- 2021. November. Group show. Stokvel Gallery. Johannesburg.
- 2021. October. CeramicsSA. Rus-en-Vrede Gallery. Bellville. Cape Town.
- 2021. September. Sculpt X. Melrose Gallery. Johannesburg.
- 2021. Clay Talks. Knysna Art gallery.
- 2020. September. thatartfair. The Palms. Cape Town.
- 2020. Sept- June 2022. Sculpture on the Cliffs. Curated by Prof. Emiritus Gavin Younge. Fynarts. Hermanus.
- 2019. September. Exhibition of Permanent Collection. Unisa Art Gallery. Pretoria.
- 2018. September. Sculpt X. Melrose gallery. Johannesburg.
- 2018. Nov11 – Dec10. Corobrik National Ceramic Biennale Curated by Henni Meyer, Rust en Vrede Gallery,
- 2018. Oct 2 – Oct 5. International Ethics Conferrence Spier Curated by Dr. Gwenneth Miller, Spier Conferrence.
- 2018. 6Aug. Art as Destination Curated by A. Odendaal, Dr.Gwenneth Miller & Jacob Lebeko Pretoria.
- 2017. Dec – 2018 jan. Angels. Grande Provence. Franschoek. Group Show.
- 2017. November 10th. 20 year Anniversary. Group show. Knysna Fine Art.
- 2017. November 5 – November 11. CeramicsSA. Juried section. Opening address by Prof. Pippa Skotnes.
- 2017. October 8 – January 2018. Sticky time. Curated by Dr Gwen Miller. St Lorient Art Gallery, Pretoria.
- 2017. June 8 – July 8. Group show. dfcontemporary, Woodstock, Cape Town.
- 2017. February 23 – March 5. ArtAfricaFair. Waterfront. Cape Town.
- 2017. January 22 – February 12. Visceral. Cavalli Gallery, Somerset West.
- 2016. November 3. Storytime. Gallery2, Parkwood, Johannesburg.
- 2016. November 27 - December 10. SA Ceramic (juried) Exhibition. Stephen Welz, Alphen Estate, Cape Town.
- 2016. September 10 - September 18. Interlude. Upstairs@Bamboo, Johannesburg. Curated by Carol Lee.
- 2016. July 16 - July 19. Turbine Art Fair Johannesburg. Curated by Carol Lee.
- 2016. March 27 – September 2016. Animals. Tokara. Stellenbosch.
- 2016. February 17 – March 6 2016. THATARTFAIR. The Palms, Woodstock.
- 2016. February 6 – February 28 2016. Aeipathy. Equus gallery. Cavalli Est.
- 2015. December 12 – January 30 2016. Christmas show. IS Art. Franschoek.
- 2015. November 1 – November 14. Alphen Outdoors. Curated by Wilma Cruise.
- 2015. September 11 – September 20. Portfolio. Upstairs@ Bamboo. Melville. Curated by Carol Lee.
- 2015. August 14 – September 9. Soul Food. The Studio, Kalk Bay
- 2015. May 16 – June. CityWalk – Cape Town Partnership. Project by Didi Ntsai + Andrew Putter. Company Gardens.
- 2015. April 3 – April 12. Princess and the Veld at KKNK. Curated Adele Adendorff
- 2015 July 15 – July 16. ‘shredded’ paper at Deleuze&Gauttari in Africa Conference. UCT.
- 2014. November 30. Land Art Event (organizer+artist), Noordhoek Common.
- 2014. November 22 – December. Equus at Equus Gallery, Cavalli Estates.
- 2014. November 16 – December 6. Outdoors at Alphen, Constantia. Curated by Wilma Cruise.
- 2014. September 25 – October 17. Skulldudgery The Studio, Kalk Bay.
- 2014. September 16 – October 9. Music and Lyrics. Rustenvrede Gallery.
- 2014. September 11 – September 24. Art of Objects, The Studio, Kalk Bay
- 2014. July 17 – July 20. Turbine Art Fair, Newtown, Johannesburg. With Lovell Gallery
- 2014. April 26 – May 17. Fried Autumn Art Fair, Fried Contemporary, Pretoria. Curated by Prof. Elfriede Dreyer.
- 2014. April 17 – July 20. What Lies Beneath, Equus Gallery, Cavalli Estates.
- 2013. September 26 – October 19. Sculptors@Fried, Pretoria. Prof. Elfriede Dreyer
- 2013. April 15 – April 30. World Art. Association of Arts, Pretoria.
- 2013. March 15 – March 30. Fried Autumn Art Fair. Fried Contemporary, Pretoria. Prof. Elfriede Dreyer.
- 2012. Oct 27 – Dec 9. Art in Clay. Grande Provence. Franschoek. Carina Bekker
- 2012. May 6 – August. The Painted Word. Grande Provence. Franschoek. Carina Bekker.
- 2012. Dec 11 – 3 February. Angels 6. Grande Provence. Franschoek. Carina Bekker.
- 2011. Oct 1 – 30 Oct. Art in Clay. Grande Provence. Franschoek. Carina Bekker.
- 2011. Feb 21 – 26 Feb. Memorystickwall-icon. Commission and Sponsored by Absa Design Indaba at the CTICC.
- 2011. Dec 5 – 16 Jan. Angels. Grande Provence, Franschoek. Curated by Carina Bekker.
- 2010. October 31 – 30 November. Painters who Print. Grande Provence, Franschoek. Curated by Carina Bekker.
- 2010. Feb 4 – 7 March. Bodies in Transition. Fried Contemporary. Pretoria.
- 2008. April 16 – 10 May. Skin to Skin. Standard Bank Gallery. Fiona Kirkwood (curator).
- 2008. Dec 1 – March 5. Skin to skin. Kaunas Lithuania. International Textile Biennale.
- 2007. April 9 – April 28. Fibreworks Ten. Nova Constantia, CT. Participant of X-Cape/TransCape Exhibition.
- 2007. March 31 – April 8. Boerekitsch and ander dinge. Curated by G. Froud. kknk. Oudsthoorn.
- 2006. June. Innovative Threads, Nova Constantia, Cape Town.
- 2004. 16 October – 29 October. The Brett Kebble Awards. Cape Town Convention Centre. SA
- 2004. 1 September – 7 October. History of Conflict, Future of Hope. Frazier Museum Kentucky, USA
- 2004. 2 July – 23 July. ‘Gravados and Fotografias’ Galeriazero. Barcelona
- 2002. 10 September – 12 October. I.D.OLOGY. Axis Gallery. New York. USA
- 2001. 30 April – 15 February, 2002. Innovative Threads. Nova Constantia, Arts Association, Bellville, Durban Art Gallery, Vincennes, Paris, France
- 2001. 7 September. ydetag. Curated by Andrew Putter. South African National Gallery.
- 2001. 29 September - 15 October. Manuscript 3. Curated by Anna Varney.Melville Boekehuis. Johannesburg
- 2001. 29 June – July. Manuscript Exhibition 3. Part of Word Stock. Grahamstown Festival.
- 2000. 14 November – 7 January 2001. Weft & Warp. Curated by Justine Lipson. Civic gallery, Johannesburg.
- 2000. 31 October – 17 November. Cross-cut Criss-cross. Duo Exhibition with Gwen Miller. Millenium Gallery, Pretoria
- 2000. 28 September – 31 October. Trauma and Violence. Curated by Frieda Hattingh. Unisa Gallery. Pretoria
- 2000. 9 September – December. Manuscript Exhibition 2000. Curator A. Varney. Boekehuis, Auckland Park and C.T.
- 2000. 13 – 29 June. Cloth Worker’s Coaltion Exhibition. Co-curated by Karin Lijnes. African Window, Pretoria.
- 1999. 20 November– 30 June 2000. Manuscript Exhibition 1. Curated by Anna Varney. Carfax, Johannesburg.
- 1999. 24 September – 30 January 2000. Eco-shrine Exhibition. Curated by Di Graham, Hogsback.
- 1999. 9 August – 2 October. Postcards from South Africa. Axis Gallery, New York, USA.
- 1999. 3 – 25 May. Leonardo Posted. Arts Association Pretoria and Absa Bank, Johannesburg.
- 1988. 24 November - 10 January 1999. Objekt Buch. Ludwig-Uhland- Institut fur Empirische Kulturwissenschaft an der Universtat Tubingen.
- 1998. 29 April – 30 May. Women’s Voice. Curated by David Koloane for Daimler-Chryslar. Travelling Exhibition: Mercedes Benz Museum, Stuttgart; Volkerkundemuseum, Hamburg; Gallerie Seipple, Koln; and General Consulates, Munchen.
- 1997. Tembisa Art Exhibition.
- 1996. New Signatures, Pretoria art Museum
- 1995. New Signatures, Pretoria Art Museum - Artists from greater Pretoria, Unisa Art Gallery, Pretoria
- 1993. Momentum Exhibition, Pretoria Art Museum - Painters and Sculptors. 1963-1993. Pretoria Art Museum - Artists from greater Pretoria, Unisa Art Gallery
- 1992. Duo show with Joseph Modise, Market Galleries, Newtown, Johannesburg - New Signatures, Arts Association, Pretoria
- Master of Art in Fine Art (MFA). University of South Africa. (1994-98)
- Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art (BAFA). University of South Africa. (1985-9)
- 1992. New Signatures Merit Award
- 1994. Robin Aldwinckle Bursary, Unisa
- 1995. Centre for Science Development Scholarship
- 2017+2019. Writing Scholarship with the Wendy Goldman Rohm Literary Agency.
- Mr Singh. Le Quartier Francais Restaurant. Franschoek. (2015)
- Home Choice Corporate Collection (2010)
- Unisa Art Collection (2008)
- First Rand Bank (2006)
- Unisa Art Collection (2000)
- Unisa Art Collection (1998)
- Sasol Art Collection, South Africa (1992)
- Mary Slack Art Collection (1992)
- Mpumalanga Government Riverside Collection
- The works are in many private collections (including Mr Pirelli of Pirelli Tyres) Italy.
- March 2007 Dynamic Shifts: the art of the Winterveldt women, in The Face of the Spirit. Illuminating a century of essays by south african women. Beulah Thumbadoo. Commissioned by Minister Z Pallo Jordan, Department of Arts and Culture.
- April 1999 Dynamic Shifts: the art of the Winterveldt women. De arte, no 59
- Three stories in Women Flashing. 2005. Women’s Writing Workshops.
- http://ewn.co.za/Media/2014/06/05/tree-babies-art-works
- http://ewn.co.za/2014/06/06/Artists-tree-babies-cause-controversy
- The Cape Times. Residents Up in Arms Over Tree Babies. By Zara Nicholson. 13 May 2014
- Walter de Gruyter (ed.) Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Berlin. Volume 84.
- Jacques Lange (ed). Photographic Essay (Text by Wilma Cruise) in Design >Art. 2011. Digital arts Magazine
- Catalogue for And Pooof! 2010 Essay by Wilma Cruise.
- Bodies in Transition 2010: Digital catalogue by Elfriede Dreyer.
- Textile 07: Catalogue for the Kaunas Biennale.
- Brett Kebble Art Awards Catalogue, 2004
- R. Becker and R Keene (eds). Art Routes. A guide to South African Art Collections. Witwatersrand University Press. 2000
- T. Rivalland, B Pernstone-Pender & C. Collard (eds). The Collectors Guide to art and artists in South Africa. The South African Institute of artists and designers.
- Catalogue for Womens’ Voice, by David Koloane
- Catalogue for Manuscript Exhibitions 1, 2000 & 3.
- The Pretoria News, Giving form to a feminine world by A de preez. 9 september 1997.
- Die Stern. Heft. Nr 26. Rosige Zukunft fur bunte Bilder, 18 June 1998
- The Cape Times. Focus on Women by Benita Munitz. 23 May 2000
- The Cape Argus: Smoker’s Bible- is it puff or poetry? 8 september 2001